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As a business owner, you want to keep your workplace comfortable for your employees and customers. The best way to do this is by ensuring that your commercial AC system is up to date and running smoothly. We all know that air conditioning systems are significant investments for any business owner. So no wonder business owners in New Zealand will do everything possible to avoid purchasing a new air conditioning unit. But there will surely be a time when the system will get tired, showing signs that it needs to be replaced.

When this happens, it’s important to know when it’s time to upgrade your system before it causes more problems down the line.

It may seem daunting, but there are ways to determine if your air conditioner needs an upgrade to perform optimally. Below are 5 signs that we at All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER), the leading commercial air conditioning company in Auckland, have put together to help you decide if it’s time for an upgrade.

Increased Energy Costs

Your energy bill is one of the first places you’ll notice if your air conditioner isn’t working as efficiently as it used to. If you’ve noticed a spike in your energy costs, it could be a sign that your AC unit is struggling to keep up with demand.

One way to check if this is the case is by comparing your current energy bill with past bills from the same time of year. If you see a significant increase, it’s worth considering an upgrade to a more energy-efficient model. Increased Energy Cost is one of the important factors we at All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER), the leading commercial air conditioning company in Auckland, consider when upgrading clients’ systems.

Abnormal Sounds

Over time, your air conditioner will start to make strange noises as it struggles to operate. If your commercial AC system is making strange, abnormal noises, it’s likely time for an upgrade. Unfortunately, this could lead to problems like overheating or even a complete breakdown. If you’re experiencing abnormal sounds, it’s best to call a professional like All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) to take a look.

Your AC system is more than 10 years old

No matter how well you maintain your commercial AC unit, there will come a time when it needs to be replaced. AC systems can not last forever; if yours is over 10 years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade.

Over time, air conditioners will start to lose their efficiency. They’ll have to work harder to cool your workplace, leading to increased energy costs. An outdated AC system can lead to decreased energy efficiency and increased monthly energy costs. Contact a trusted HVAC contractor like All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) to help you decide if it’s time to upgrade your system.

Frequent Repairs

Frequent Repair is one of the signs that it may be time to upgrade your commercial AC system. When your system is constantly breaking down, it becomes a hassle for your employees and customers. Not to mention, it can be costly to keep repairing the same system over and over again. If you’re experiencing frequent repairs, it’s time to invest in a new system that will be more reliable. Systems requiring frequent repairs are often less efficient and can cost you more in the long run. Upgrading to a newer system can help improve your business’s bottom line by lowering energy costs. We at All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) always recommend upgrading to a newer and more efficient model when your system requires frequent repairs.

Inconsistent Cooling

Inconsistent cooling can signal that your commercial AC system is no longer working properly. If your system is having trouble maintaining a consistent temperature, it’s likely time for an upgrade.

An outdated or inefficient AC unit will struggle to keep your workplace cool, leading to discomfort for employees and customers. If you’re noticing uneven cooling in your workplace, contact All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) to discuss your options. We can help you decide if it’s time to upgrade your system.


No one likes being hot and sweaty, especially at work or restaurants. So if you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs, it might be time to upgrade your AC system before the weather gets too unbearable.

Are you having challenges with your AC system and unsure whether to upgrade? All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) is here to help. Our team of commercial air-conditioning experts has the experience and knowledge to help you make the best decision for your business. We are the leading commercial air conditioning company in Auckland, New Zealand because we provide the best possible service to our customers.

Contact All Seasons Air & Elite Refrigeration Ltd (ASAER) Today to enquire more at 09 271 4927 or 021 230 6904 or email Chris at




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